<aside> <img src="/icons/currency_blue.svg" alt="/icons/currency_blue.svg" width="40px" /> The creator economy has 250$ billion dollars inside of it.
But not all creators will get a piece of that pie.
Most people who join X end up failing.
People say they do so because it’s “hard.”
But I disagree.
I believe it’s like that because they’re lacking one fundamental skill. One aspect that all rich, famous and smart creators have: creativity.
The faulty creators left their growth because of a lack of uniqueness.
They couldn’t stand out among the creators doing exactly the same thing as them.
But I stood out.
I took X by the balls.
I started off as any newbie; sharing insights, book summaries, self improvement, etc.
And then I evolved.
Using creativity, I made a leveraged digital brand, skillset and persona about creativity.
And I made this guide to help you do the same.
<aside> <img src="/icons/book-closed_blue.svg" alt="/icons/book-closed_blue.svg" width="40px" /> This guide has three parts:
1) Creative Posts: How you can write and ideate creative and unique posts to go viral.
2) Creative Engagement: How you can outreach and connect to get an engaged audience.
3) Creative Branding: How you can make a standout, original brand to get anyone attracted.